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We're students of UNiSEL and this is our group blogging about squeezing the brain looking an ideas to connect with readership based on spreading the news. On this blog we share about current Issues, Topics, News, Informative, and Discussion of it all. Lecture by our beloved Sir.Khalil Sreedaran B. Abdullah compromise through the subject Writing of The Media. This blog was aimed at the implementation of the main project in total of subject by group category. Knowledge are most of important need in a concept of journal. Enjoy !

Manifestation of Lifestyles

Encyclopedia - Lifestyles the concept and its implications are closely connected to the values associated with extreme individualism, corporate capitalism, and an open market, preferably one that is global in its reach.While most people would generally consider lifestyle to be a neutral or amoral concept, others, on looking more closely, see it as having an immoral side. Discussions of lifestyle generally exclude any thoughts of justice, respect for human rights, or fairness.

In Terms Of Our Understanding - Lifestyles talk about anything and everything. Eventhough it's quite general but life is awesome & we share life. In conscious or not, everyone has a lifestyle. With regard to the perspective, lifestyle referred solely to the specific characteristics or qualities in life a certain way by all parties whether individuals, countries, or an entire culture. Hopefully together with you accompanied by not too high expectations either on us or on this blog then, please stay and WELCOME

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

The beauty sleep

by Ponmalar

The party is over. The holiday trip has come to an end. Let's face it. The first week of a new university term has always been met with a lot of disgruntled complaints! These youngsters feel as if their whole world is going to end. One of the main reasons for this unpleasant feeling is the lack of sleep.

Strange as it may sound, but this is the whole truth. Whether, it is for a period of only a week or one whole month, the fact is, most if these youngsters don't keep their classes time sleeping pattern during the holiday season. Can you blame them since their parents also are not bothered about it. So, they end up sleeping very late or do not sleep at all, and getting up the next day next day at late noon. And the cycle goes on and on, until the time comes when they realize that the wake up call is in the morning. Its class time again.

It is wise to keep reminding ourselves that good night's sleep is vital for health. In fact, a study has shown that even just one sleepless night can harm human body's immune system. This leaves us with a big risk of being prone to illness. In a study of twenty-three healthy men at the school of medicine at the University of California, San Diego, researchers found that deprivation  them for only four hours, from 3 to 7 am, caused actually a significant marker of immune system strength. The levels later returned back to normal only after a full night sleep.

So, to all of you guys and girls out there, remember ! Do not forego your 'beauty sleep', even while on holiday.

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