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We're students of UNiSEL and this is our group blogging about squeezing the brain looking an ideas to connect with readership based on spreading the news. On this blog we share about current Issues, Topics, News, Informative, and Discussion of it all. Lecture by our beloved Sir.Khalil Sreedaran B. Abdullah compromise through the subject Writing of The Media. This blog was aimed at the implementation of the main project in total of subject by group category. Knowledge are most of important need in a concept of journal. Enjoy !

Manifestation of Lifestyles

Encyclopedia - Lifestyles the concept and its implications are closely connected to the values associated with extreme individualism, corporate capitalism, and an open market, preferably one that is global in its reach.While most people would generally consider lifestyle to be a neutral or amoral concept, others, on looking more closely, see it as having an immoral side. Discussions of lifestyle generally exclude any thoughts of justice, respect for human rights, or fairness.

In Terms Of Our Understanding - Lifestyles talk about anything and everything. Eventhough it's quite general but life is awesome & we share life. In conscious or not, everyone has a lifestyle. With regard to the perspective, lifestyle referred solely to the specific characteristics or qualities in life a certain way by all parties whether individuals, countries, or an entire culture. Hopefully together with you accompanied by not too high expectations either on us or on this blog then, please stay and WELCOME

Friday, 14 April 2017

Be Yourself

by tot707 
At some point on time of people really needs is 'discovered'. As a result we become hopeful and that we will be met to finally we just can put down our masks that we had worn wearily for so long.
The truth is, we all put up a bold in front of us when we are not confident at all. We act just like everything are under control. But secretly we hope that something would happen someday or within. Just to help us being our real self so we can stop play-acting.
There comes moments when we sees ourself as uniquely created to be the person it is. As that truth dawns-sometimes in a flash, sometimes ever so slowly like the opening of a flower bud-we sees life ahead as one filled with divine possibilities. It is then that we decides that enough is enough as far as play-acting is concerned. Then, when the realization “we are unique” hits, the past with its constant struggle to be someone else is left behind like an empty cocoon.
Nnew living is embraced where masks are not there. Instead, it is a truthful encounter with life. Some of us find it painful at first to accept a shortcomings. Yet it is a joyful release of hope and celebration as one finds the truth that we are so unique and that nobody can replace us no matter what others think about each of us.
Yes their might be so many things not perfect about us. Yet there is nobody else like everyone of us. So celebrate life as God’s gift to us. What better return can we give for that gift than being true to our own self. So let us stop pretending. We are not actors on a world stage. Instead we are real people with ever so many shortcomings. And having infinite value and worth in God’s eyes even the truth is we appear to be of so little worth to others. And there comes a moment when that truth dawns.
I need not try to be impress either seeking an attention or extravagant of dressing to make all statement. But What comes across to you much more powerfully is the quiet confidence that I bring in front & born out my knowledge of making all statement as no one else can!

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