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We're students of UNiSEL and this is our group blogging about squeezing the brain looking an ideas to connect with readership based on spreading the news. On this blog we share about current Issues, Topics, News, Informative, and Discussion of it all. Lecture by our beloved Sir.Khalil Sreedaran B. Abdullah compromise through the subject Writing of The Media. This blog was aimed at the implementation of the main project in total of subject by group category. Knowledge are most of important need in a concept of journal. Enjoy !

Manifestation of Lifestyles

Encyclopedia - Lifestyles the concept and its implications are closely connected to the values associated with extreme individualism, corporate capitalism, and an open market, preferably one that is global in its reach.While most people would generally consider lifestyle to be a neutral or amoral concept, others, on looking more closely, see it as having an immoral side. Discussions of lifestyle generally exclude any thoughts of justice, respect for human rights, or fairness.

In Terms Of Our Understanding - Lifestyles talk about anything and everything. Eventhough it's quite general but life is awesome & we share life. In conscious or not, everyone has a lifestyle. With regard to the perspective, lifestyle referred solely to the specific characteristics or qualities in life a certain way by all parties whether individuals, countries, or an entire culture. Hopefully together with you accompanied by not too high expectations either on us or on this blog then, please stay and WELCOME

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Smarter Online Shopper Tips

by JiaShah

  1. Do Research - before making a purchase, research more about the company whether it's through a review site or checking on social media.
  2. Read Online Reviews - discover what others have to say about the product or service you are about to purchase.
  3. Look for Online Deals - online shopping give the ability to across, compare prices across multiple websites so can get the best deal. Look into difference coupon sites and see discount codes.

Advantages and Disadvantages Online Shopping

by JiaShah


  1. Access - Online shopping allows you to shop from any vendors, at any time and any where in the world.
  2. Time savers - You no longer have to get in the car and have to drive to the mall or shop.
  3. Online deals or promotions - Before you checkout, you can scour the Internet for online coupon codes or special discounts.


  1. Shipping rates - Though some companies often free flat rate shipping it still may come at a cost.
  2. Waiting - If you're an impatient person, waiting for the parcel to be delivered can be a pain.
  3. refunds and returns disputes - If an item comes damages or not as described you will want to return the item or be refunded the mores.

Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

by JiaShah

Surround yourself around people who not only wanna see you better but have the same mentality as you.

Evening Walk

by JiaShah

You will not be able to digest your meal without a walk and will run the risk of getting stomach upset. An evening walk is necessary for the health of our body and mind.

After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile.

Slow and Steady

by JiaShah

Success in life depends upon efforts that make. These efforts must be steady and sustained.
Some people are gifted with great intelligence and others with rare talents.

Will achieve nothing in life when do not make efforts and work by fits and starts. Success demands patient labor, perseverance and firmness of purpose. Slow and steady wins the race! It does not mean that we should be slow in our actions, but we must discard impatience's, restlessness and hurry and do our work steadfastly. 

Santai @UNISEL

by tot707

Santai @UNISEL Siri 2

Date  : 22 April 2017
Time  : 2.45 pm - 3.45 pm
Venue: One Utama Shopping Centre
Topic : 'Melakar Kejayaan'

Special Guest : Man Raja Lawak and Chacha Maembong
Moderator     : Dr. Hamdan Dato' Salleh

Come and join Santai @UNISEL, see you there. 

Hari Pengenalan Kelab dan Persatuan 6.0

by JiaShah

Majlis ini telah berlangsung 9-11 April 2017 yang lalu. 

Unisel ingin lahirkan siswa aktif berpesatuan.

Sempena Hari Pengenalan Kelab dan Persatuan 6.0 yang telah berlangsung di Dewan Pro-Canselor UNISEL kampus Shah Alam hari ini, Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) berhasrat untuk melahirkan mahasiswa yang cemerlang bukan sahaja dari segi akademik malahan juga aktif dan cergas dalam bidang kokurikulum. Program ini anjuran Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) Universiti Selangor ini merupakan program tahunan yang sudah memasuki tahun keenam.

Antar objektif utama Hari Pengenalan Kelab dan Persatuan 6.0 ini diadakan adalah untuk memperkenalkan kelab dan persatuan yang ada ditawarkan di UNISEL, khususnya kepada mahasiswa tahun pertama. Ini bertujuan untuk memberi pendedahan mengenai kelab dan persatuan yang ada di UNISEL di samping menggalakan mahasiswa untuk bergiat secara aktif di luar bilik kuliah. 
Antara kelab dan persatuan yang membuka gerai bagi mempromosikan aktiviti mereka pada hari tersebut adalah Jemaah Seni, Indian Cultural and Language Society, Accounting Club, SDC, Predators Rugby Club, CMC, Taekwando, Bola Jaring dan banyak lagi. Rata- rata mahasiswa yang hadir pada hari tersebut memberikan reaksi positif dan memuji usaha MPP dalam memperkenalkan kelab dan persatuan kepada mahasiswa yang hadir.

Pengara Komunikasi Korporat

Kelab dan Persatuan Business Managmenent Club

Kelab dan persatuan Volleyball

Kelab dan persatuan Predators Rugby Club

Kelab dan persatuan DBMC

Kelab dan persatuan Indian Cultural and Language Society

Public Speaking Event

by JiaShah

Hi guys!

A public speaking event, that organize by Group 1 Effective Speaking. 

Date       : 18 April 2017
Venue     : X2-BK2
Lecturer : Madam Uzaimah
Judges    : Sir Khalil
                Sir Hasni
                Ms. Hazween

I just wanted to let you know about our event yesterday. I would like to thank you and the classmates for the efforts made to make our event was in place as we had discussed. 

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Goals and Make Them Happen

by JiaShah

Having goals for things we want to do and working towards them is an important part of being human. The path towards our goals may not always run smoothly or be easy but having goals whether big or small is part of what makes life good. It is gives us a sense of meaning and purpose, points us in the direction we want to go and gets us interested and engaged all of which are good for our overall happiness.   

Goals big and small be the stepping stone to a happier life and the way set them can make a difference to achieving them. Here.......

Photos by tot707

by tot707

Thoughtful Night.


Curious Cat


by JiaShah

Want become one with nature. People who mediate and just relax in that beautiful scenery are very peaceful. 

Things That Make Me Happy

by JiaShah

The things that make me happy in life are friends, travelling and good relationship. I really love to spend most of my time with friend. My friend are kind, loyal and care and I know since long time ago. Then, I love to travel because I can see another part of the world. Travelling brings my stressful away and gives some refreshment. The last one is good relationship with people surrounding such as family, friend and others. They can give support, spirit and experience. I feel safe to be in the middle of those people.

Everybody must have their own happiness and it always fun to talk on do anything that make us happy.


by JiaShah

Respect is the esteem for the worth or excellence of the person. 

First of all, we should respect ourselves. Each one of us is unique, a very special creation of God. Therefore we should value ourselves highly. Secondly, we should respect our parents, our teachers and older. In doing so we are not respecting them because of their age but the wisdom and what the good their doing to society. Thirdly, we should respect our law, government and national flag. We should remember who those people sacrificed for our nation's freedom.

So let's us respect of people who come our way even different opinion.


by JiaShah

Some people look good in pictures and some people do not. Some very good looking people are not photogenic, I've noticed this when look at the same people on video. There are certain things people can do to make themselves more or less photogenic but there are certain things that some people are lucky enough to have which means that they will take a good photo and that's got a lot to do with maybe bone structure and probably aw well, being able to smile naturally and look naturally in front of camera which doesn't seem to something that everybody can do. 

So there are things that people can do to enhance how photogenic they are, but I think ultimately it comes down to how naturally people behave in front of the camera and perhaps very basic things like bone structure. 

Some people are not photogenic.

2017 Nasi Ambeng Festival

by JiaShah

Date  : 15 & 16 April  2017
Venue : Homestay Banghunis, Selangor

Visitors will be able to experience the traditional way of enjoying Nasi Ambeng a specialty of Selangor. This festival also promotes the Sepang district and Banghunis Homestay

Photo by JiaShah

by JiaShah

Wanna get some books, so I can read them.

Today shall be a relaxing day, I don't want no issues just good food and clean air.

Once you reach the destination of happiness, the trying pit stops don't even seem to matter.

Photos by Ponmalar

by Ponmalar

Happy Tamil New Year
Stay Strong Girl Always
Smile Is The Best Makeup A Girl Can Wear

Friday, 14 April 2017

About Myself

by JiaShah

I am always myself
Never any more or any less
I will never lose myself
No matter how far I go I know I'm stronger
So no matter happens, I will always be myself. 

I can hide my emotions
Better than I know I fight and standing up for what I believe in
I have no tolerance for the rude.

 I want to go with my head not look down but look forward
 I want to be respected by others because of myself
 I don't want to look on the mirror and realize that I'm nothing
 So no matter what happen I want to stay awake and have a pride.

Judging by Appreances.

by JiaShah

Everyone has heard the saying 'Never judge a book by its cover'. Well, that certaintly is true when applied to everyday life. Most of us tend to look at one's external appreances and draw a short conclusions on their character when we first observe them. Being in school or college, this always happens no matter if a person has the sweetest personality, if his or her appreance is not good, people jugge them on only the fact. 

People are judged on many factors, their outer appreance, their color, their religion and their viewpoints  and women especially have to live up to certain standards of beauty in order to fit in with the society. Everyone needs to realize everyone can accomplish great things in life. No one has to have a good appreance to accomplish things in life, the only things to learn from this recognize what is inside when judging others untainly. People should try to be nice to everyone and watch their reactions to others. 

A person with a bad appreance can be a great person. All people are born equal regardless of our outer appreance, which means all people should creat a positive judgement when judging the external and internal features of a person accurately. 


by tot707 
I was born on May 29,  1991
I was born as Muslim
Beautiful name was given by parents
Name are meant to self for creating good personality
As beautiful name, I searched..
Searching a things but still cannot find
Never found as long as I'm going to choose being like this
Then.. I'm just feel more hidden in my life
I'm not to change the faith
I'm not to change my life
Even I'm not running from reality
Only searching for making my days was great
But I believe in myself, I believe Allah
Believe HIM.. knowing that He have the best planning for me
At the end of the day, I know that I will change
Becoming a better person.. Become a truly girl

Be Yourself

by tot707 
At some point on time of people really needs is 'discovered'. As a result we become hopeful and that we will be met to finally we just can put down our masks that we had worn wearily for so long.
The truth is, we all put up a bold in front of us when we are not confident at all. We act just like everything are under control. But secretly we hope that something would happen someday or within. Just to help us being our real self so we can stop play-acting.
There comes moments when we sees ourself as uniquely created to be the person it is. As that truth dawns-sometimes in a flash, sometimes ever so slowly like the opening of a flower bud-we sees life ahead as one filled with divine possibilities. It is then that we decides that enough is enough as far as play-acting is concerned. Then, when the realization “we are unique” hits, the past with its constant struggle to be someone else is left behind like an empty cocoon.
Nnew living is embraced where masks are not there. Instead, it is a truthful encounter with life. Some of us find it painful at first to accept a shortcomings. Yet it is a joyful release of hope and celebration as one finds the truth that we are so unique and that nobody can replace us no matter what others think about each of us.
Yes their might be so many things not perfect about us. Yet there is nobody else like everyone of us. So celebrate life as God’s gift to us. What better return can we give for that gift than being true to our own self. So let us stop pretending. We are not actors on a world stage. Instead we are real people with ever so many shortcomings. And having infinite value and worth in God’s eyes even the truth is we appear to be of so little worth to others. And there comes a moment when that truth dawns.
I need not try to be impress either seeking an attention or extravagant of dressing to make all statement. But What comes across to you much more powerfully is the quiet confidence that I bring in front & born out my knowledge of making all statement as no one else can!




  Now, who is a woman? A woman is your mother, a woman is your sister, a woman is your friend, a woman is your classmate, a woman is your teacher. In future, you will meet a woman as your wife. There is a woman in every part of our life. Women are very important in every person's life. An old phrase states that behind every successful man there is a woman. But, i say that every woman plays an important behind every successful nation.

  We all know that before now every where, women are not given chance to discover themselves to be what they want to be. The general believe everywhere is that a woman's place is in her husbands home that is where they feel she can displace all the God given talent that she has there is this believe that she can't be useful in any other but there. So most culture believe training a woman those days, was just a waste of time and resources that's why when a woman those when when a women is educated up to the primary level she is asked to stop there while her brothers go further to the higher institution. And she is married off from there some parents even tell those women that want to be educated further to continue from their husbands houses while they bear him kids. And this men they get married to with they fear that the women will get to know more than they do now refuse to allow them to continue after they married them. But time has shown that educating a woman is no more waste of time and those parent who did it have lived not to regret it, but to thank god that they did.

   The active participation of women would lead to develop of peaceful and just society. For overall development of women in the country, focus must be given on factors like education, gender, friendly laws, strong political commitment for women development, mainstreaming of women issues, empowerment, and increment of women participation and creation of effective environment for development. For sustainable peace and strong nation building, it is important to transform the traditional role of women as "Ambassador of Social Peace and Warrior of Nation Building" and formulate policies, planning and programs according to it. Likewise, it is equally important that women establish themselves as active and able actors of society in nation building process.

   Women participation in nation building is important in achieving an equitable, peaceful and more prosperous society. Women play a special role in the overall development of the country. "There is no chance for the welfare of the world of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to on one wing." Today educated women have come out of their inferiority complex and are shouldering all kinds of responsibilities, as managers, officers, TV and radio news reader, pilots, Ministers, Anchors, Musicians, Clerks, Stenographers, and what not?

  In our homes or houses today women are the ones who see to it that things are managed well and that things are managed well and that things are managed well and that things go the way it ought to go, this type of passion that this women have in managing their home's is what they also carry to their work place to work with, even those who are not married also have this passion of i must make things go right. I think God just gave all women that passion that was why he did not make it a all men world.

  Political abuse of power, violations of human rights, mismanagement of their economy, and under development have been Sordid realities of the past four decades when we have men in the saddle of power. The fact of an emerging spectrum of feminine leadership resources across the continent is no longer controvertible. Each country in Africa is birthing women professionals that can catapult the continent the new heights where they given a chance. Gender equality presupposes giving a chance to a marginalized gender(in this case,women). The saddle of leadership is long overdue to be ceded to the feminine gender, where we to eschew prejudice, bias chauvinism subjectivism and other less than wholesome oddities of the human nature, it would be obvious in no time how much progress would be made by this great continent in the area of good governance, infrastructural development, rule of law, economic stability and progress, health education and e.t.c.

  In a nutshell, making concessions for the feminine gender to have a shot of leadership does not erode the leadership of men over them nor does it make a woman not to be a woman. Let the woman of Malaysia have chance at leadership so that we can move forward. You educate a woman to educate a Nation.






 Untuk mengetahui asal usul Bahasa Melayu kita perlu mengetahui asal usul penutur aslinya terlebih dahulu, iaitu orang melayu. Asal usul bangsa melayu sehimgga sekarang masih kabur tetapi beberapa sarjana Eropah seperti Hendrik ken (Belanda) dan Robert Von Heine Gelden (Austria) telah melakukan penyelidikan secara kasar tentang latar belakang dan pergerakan masyarakat Melayu kuno.

  Teori mereka menyatakan bahawa bangsa Melayu berasal daripada kelompok austronesia iaitu kelompok manusia yang berasal dari daerah Yunan di China yang kemudiannya berhijrah dalam bentuk beberapa gelombang pergerakan manusia dan akhirnya menduduki wilayah Asia Tenggara. Gelombang pertama dikenali sebagai Melayu-Proto dan berlaku kira-kira 2500 tahun Sebelum Masihi. Kira-kira tahun 1500 tahun Sebelum Masihi, datang pula gelombang kedua yang dikenali sebagai Melayu-Deutro. Mereka mendiami daerah-daerah yang subur di pinggir pantai dan tanah lembah asia tenggara. Kehadiran mereka ini menyebabkan orang-orang melayu-proto seperti orang-orang jakun, mahmeri, jahut, temuan, biduanda dan beberapa kelompok kecil yang lain berpindah ke kawasan hutan dan pedalaman. Golongan melayu-deutro ini dikatakan nenek moyang masyarakat melayu yang ada pada masa kini. Bahasa melayu berasal daripada rumpun bahasa Austronesia, manakala bahasa-bahasa Austronesia ini berasal daripada keluarga Austronesia, terdapat rumpun bahasa Austro-Asia dan rumpun bahasa Tibet-Cina. Bahasa melayu tergolong dalam keluarga bahasa Nusantara di bawah golongan bahasa Sumatera. Bahasa melayu kuno digunakan pada abad ke-7 hingga abad ke-13 pada zaman kerajaan Srivijaya. Pada waktu itu,BM kuno telah menjadi lingua franca dan bahasa pentadbiran kerana sifat bahasa melayu yang bersifat sederhana dan mudah menerima pengaruh luar. Bahasa melayu juga tidak terikat kepada perbezaan susun lapis masyarakat dan mempunyai sistem yang lebih mudah berbandimg bahasa Jawa. Oleh sebab agama Hindu mejadi pegangan orang melayu ketika itu, bahasa melayu banyak dipengaruhi oleh sistem bahasa sanskrit yang menyumbang kepada pengayaan kosa kata dan ciri-ciri keilmuan (kearjanaan) Bahasa Melayu. Bahasa sanskrit dianggap sebagai bahasa sarjana dan digunakan oleh bangsawan. Bahasa sanskrit dianggap sebagai bahasa sarjana dan digunakan oleh bangsawan. Bahasa melayu juga mudah dilentur mengikut keadaan dan keperluan. Pengaruh agama islam yang semakin mantap di Asia Tenggara pada abad ke-13 turut memberi kesan kepada perkembangan bahasa melayu. Kedatangan islam ke Tanah Melayu telah banyak mengubah sistem bahasa melayu terutama dari aspek kosa kata, struktur ayat dan sistem tulisan.

 Abad ke-13 merupakan waktu bermulanya zaman peralihan di kepulauan melayu dengan berkembangnya agama islam ke rantau ini. Ini telah mempengaruhi bangsa dan bahasa di sini, terutamanya bangsa dan bahasa melayu. Pengaruh india sedikit demi sedikit mula digantikan dengan pengaruh islam dan arab. Kegemilangannya bahasa melayu klasik boleh dibahagikan kepada tiga zaman penting iaitu zaman kerajaan melaka, zaman kerajaan acheh dan zaman kerajaan Johor-riau. Zaman penting bagi bahasa melayu ialah pada zaman kerajaan melayu melaka. Kerajaan melayu melaka yang telah menerima islam dan berjaya membina empayar yang luas. Bahasa melayu telah menjadi alat penyebaran agama islam ke seluruh kepulauan melayu. Bahasa melayu telah mendapat bentuk tulisan baru iaitu tulisan jawi. Perbendaharaan kata juga yang telah bertambah dengan wujudnya keperluan untuk mengungkapkan idea-idea yang dibawa oleh peradaban islam. Keagungan kesultanan melaka jelas tergambar di dalam "sejarah melayu" oleh Tun Seri Lanang, sebuah karya dalam bahasa melayu yang sangat tinggi nilainya. Kedatangan orang-orang eropah dan kejatuhan kesultanan melaka ke tangan portugis pada tahun 1511 masehi tidak menamatkan pengaruh bahasa melayu. Ramai di antara mereka yang menjalankan penyelidikan dan menyimpan catatan mengenai bahasa dan kesusasteraan melayu.

 Bahasa melayu moden dikatakan bermula pada abad ke-19, hasil karangan Munsyi Abdullah dianggap sebagai permulaan zaman bahasa melayu moden kerana sifatnya yang dikatakan agak menyimpang dengan bentuk bahasa melayu klasik. Sebelum penjajahan British, bahasa melayu mencapai kedudukan tinggi, berfungsi sebagai bahasa perantaraan, pentadbiran, kesusasteraan, dan bahasa pengantar di pusat pendidikan islam. Selepas perang dunia kedua, British merubah dasar menjadikan bahasa inggeris sebagai bahasa penghantar dalam sistem pendidikan. Akta bahasa kebangsaan 1963/1967 menetapkan bahawa bahasa rasmi negara (bahasa yang digunakan dalam semua urusan rasmi kerajaan persekutuan, negeri, tempatan, dan badan berkanun). Laporan Razak 1956 mencadangakan agar bahasa melayu dijadikan sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam sistem pendidikan negara dan menjadi alat utama perpaduan antara kaum. 

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Raising The Price Of Cigarettes - Not The Best Solution

by tot707

" Raising the price of cigarettes is not the best solution bridle public smoking - Smokers may switch to cheaper cigarettes such as cigarettes "
- Datuk Seri Hasan Mohamad

Following to the Government's proposal  on last month to raise the price of cigarettes had criticism and insights by Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan as Chief Minister of Negeri Sembilan.

On March 30, he issued a statement on the proposal to raise the price of cigarettes by the Government is not a solution for people to quit smoking among the public. According to him, an awareness campaign on the dangers of smoking and the enforcement of the state border, to curb smuggling, which needs to be improved and strengthened.

"If you raise the price of cigarettes, smokers will continue to smoke, and they probably will switch to cheaper cigarettes such as cigarettes".

In fact it is detrimental to the government in terms of tax collection", he told the reporters from Bernama.

According to Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya on March 28 last month, said there were plans to increase the price of cigarettes in the near future to prevent people from continuing to smoke.

Datuk Seri Hasan Mohamad said the issue of the dangers of smoking awareness campaign needs to be increased so that people realize the dangers of smoking to health, in addition to law enforcement of smoking in public places.

*display photo
"I do not encourage people to smoke a cigarette to collect taxes, but I also do not see the number of people who smoke is reduced due to higher cigarette prices".

"It was not a favorable one step". Said Datuk Seri Mohamad.

Regarding to statement by Deputy Minister of Health on last month report said, this time the price of cigarettes (the highest) is sold at RM17 a packet and that price may be increased to RM21.50 per pack" - Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya.

Thursday, 6 April 2017


by JiaShah

Believed that fashion was not only to make more beautiful, but also to reassure and give confidence.

Fashion helps people dress well. Fashionable clothes make us more presentable. When people dress fashionably they feel good about themselves. This boosts their level of confidence and makes them perform well in the college or workplace. It is now a know fact that people who dress and look well have better chances of getting job. Even if a person is not blessed with naturally good looks, they can make themselves more presentable by dressing well. That is where fashion helps.

Clothing and fashion have a big influence on people. However, this trend or fashion has both advantages and disadvantages. Fashion is good as long as it helps people feel good about themselves. When it becomes an obsession it does more harm than good.

Eat At Home.

by JiaShah

Eating at home is much better for our health than dining outside. At home,when cooking for ourselves we can ensure that what goes into our meals is not bad for us. We can control the amount of oil we use. At home, we can also cook just enough food to satisfy us. In the restaurants we are often given too much or to little food on our plate.

Eating at home is much more comfortable than having lunch or dinner in a public place. At home, we can be more relaxed than in a restaurants. At home, we can wear comfortable, casual clothes even pyjamas. We can sit in a comfortable position on our favorite chair, on the sofa or on the floor. If we wish, we can watch TV or a video and listen to a radio program. None of these can be done at a restaurants.

Furthermore, at home we do not have to worry about disturbing others dinner and can talk and laugh as loudly as we want without fear of upsetting nearby us. It is my opinion that for reasons pf comfort, cost and health eating at home is preferable. Although, I still enjoy eating out but I more preferred eating at home. Sitting in comfortable clothes, in front of TV with a good home-cooked meal in front of me. I am happy and that's why I like eating at home.


by JiaShah

I love my friends, I love my love-life, I love my hobbies, I love eating.

Hobbies it is an activity that we do in our spare time. It is the favorite pastime occupation. There are many kinds of hobbies. For example, gardening, reading books, watching TV, listening to music and etc. However, hobby is more than means of relaxation and has more aspects and other benefits it such as self-improvements, a richer social life and extra income in time.    

Different people have different hobbies. I also have hobbies, watching TV. It helps me to know more thing about life but my main purpose when watching TV is to relax. It is an effective way to help me relax after a stressful class. Then I love read, I enjoy reading a book when I free. I enjoy reading because I like to explore the imagination world. There are a lot of advantages of reading. reading can make me relaxed and calm. I can also can learn new vocabulary item and I can further improve my English. Going out with my friend is my favorite too. I often going out with my friend for eating and chatting. I love chatting with my close friend, I can share any things and it is always filled with laughter in our chatting. 

Above are my hobbies, I mostly do in my leisure time. Each hobby brings different benefits to me, it helps me to balance my life. Always put learning first so that entertainment can bring real effort for me.

The Increase In The Price Of Cigarettes.

by tot707

In a statement on March 28 by The Star, regarding the increase in the price of cigarettes from RM17 to RM21.50 per packet. Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya announced that the government will raise the price of cigarettes for their efforts to discourage people from quitting.

Among the brands of cigarettes in Malaysia.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 600,000 people die each year from passive smoking.28% of the victims were children. What is really worrying is that seven out of 10 or 8.6 million adults are exposed to secondhand smoke in public places such as restaurants, cafes, and parks. Meanwhile, four of the 10 or 7.6 million adults encounter secondhand smoke in their own homes.

"Although we have entered into various campaigns, unfortunately we struggled against the odds", he explained.

Anti-smoking campaign undertaken so far by the Government have not really worked in reducing the number of smokers among Malaysians. "For example, we have declared a rest and recreation area will be restricted smoking areas, but there is still people smoke there," he said. The government will also diversify the methods of their anti-smoking campaign by introducing a regular cigarette packaging to make it less attractive. Current cigarette packs in Malaysia have pictorial health warnings are required to cover 50% of the front and 60% of the back of all cigarette packages text. The warning must be in Malay at the front and English on the back. In addition, the government also banned the use of misleading descriptors such as "light", "mild", "low tar", the famous "," rich "," premiums and "Grade A" on the package.

Dr Hilmi said the Tobacco Products and Tobacco Bill will be tabled next year as part of government efforts to control the sale and advertisement of cigarettes. Stressing that the government has spent an average of RM2 million per year since 2004 for the anti-smoking campaign, in a statement, Dr Hilmi that they are looking to use digital platforms and social media channels aiming to prevent people from smoking.

In your opinion, the increase in the price of cigarettes will reduce the number of smokers in Malaysia? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

Monday, 3 April 2017

MBO:Fast & Furious 8 Combo Promotion

by JiaShah

Dominic Toretto and his crew are not finished with Deckard Shaw after the chaos in Dubai. The story continues in the eight instalment that will kick off the final trilogy of the "Fast and Furious" franchise.

Get Fast & Furious 8 combo pack to save RM2 now (Save RM1 per movie ticket + Save RM1 per combo)

Ultimate Combo (RM68)
1x unit 64oz popcorn
2x units 32oz #F8 cup filled with soft drink
1x unit Fast & Furious 8 diecast vehicle
Share Combo (RM51)
1x unit 64oz popcorn
2x units 32oz Fast & Furious 8 cup filled with soft drink

Vehicle Combo (RM28)
1x unit 46oz popcorn
1x unit 22oz soft drink
1x unit Fast & Furious 8 diecast vehicle
Single Combo (RM26)
1x unit 46oz popcorn
1x unit 32oz Fast & Furious 8 cup filled with soft drink

The Fast & Furious Die-Cast Vehicle Collection release dates:

~ 30th March 2017 - Ford Escort RS1600 MK1 1970, Maserati Ghibii, Dodge Charger Daytona 1969, & Dodge Charger R/T 1970.
~ 6th April 2017 - Navistar MXT, Flip Car Vire O Carro, Ford GT-40, Dodge Charger Off Road 1970.
~ 13th April 2017 - Ice Charger, Dodge Challenger
SRTB Z011, Plymouth Roadrunner 1970, Dodge Charger 1970.

Visit their website for cinema locations.

*while stocks lasts. first come first serve terms and conditions apply
**Fast and Furious diecast vehicles released by collection weekly
***Fast and Furious diecast vehicles availability based on while stocks lasts
****Fast and Furious diecast vehicles are not sold separately
*****No bulk purchase are allowed. Each customer with 1 movie ticket (any movie) entitled to purchase 1 combo per day.

PS+ Games April 2017 Revealed

by tot707

Another month, another batch of free games heading to PlayStation Plus. The PlayStation Plus games for April 2017 have been confirmed by Sony. And Sony has officially announced April’s lineup, and PS Plus members will be able to download the selection below from as early as 4th April.
Check it out
  1. Drawn to Death
  2. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
  3. 10 Second Ninja X
  4. Curses ’n Chaos 
  5. Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom
  6. Alien Rage
The full games list for April follows news that members can also grab a free booster pack for the hack ‘n’ slash game, Let it Die. But, there's still an opportunity to download the PlayStation Plus March 2017 games.