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We're students of UNiSEL and this is our group blogging about squeezing the brain looking an ideas to connect with readership based on spreading the news. On this blog we share about current Issues, Topics, News, Informative, and Discussion of it all. Lecture by our beloved Sir.Khalil Sreedaran B. Abdullah compromise through the subject Writing of The Media. This blog was aimed at the implementation of the main project in total of subject by group category. Knowledge are most of important need in a concept of journal. Enjoy !

Manifestation of Lifestyles

Encyclopedia - Lifestyles the concept and its implications are closely connected to the values associated with extreme individualism, corporate capitalism, and an open market, preferably one that is global in its reach.While most people would generally consider lifestyle to be a neutral or amoral concept, others, on looking more closely, see it as having an immoral side. Discussions of lifestyle generally exclude any thoughts of justice, respect for human rights, or fairness.

In Terms Of Our Understanding - Lifestyles talk about anything and everything. Eventhough it's quite general but life is awesome & we share life. In conscious or not, everyone has a lifestyle. With regard to the perspective, lifestyle referred solely to the specific characteristics or qualities in life a certain way by all parties whether individuals, countries, or an entire culture. Hopefully together with you accompanied by not too high expectations either on us or on this blog then, please stay and WELCOME

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Self - Potrait
by Ponmalar

Service Is A Self Confidence

What is a selfie? Why people addicted to it? What it does to us? Always a selfie will be burning out when we logged in our social media. Lets check it out what is selfie and what it is all about.

Selfies has became a huge part of modern life. Selfie has transformed a simple self-portrait into something more interesting and has grown in huge way as a cultural importance. Its likely to be said as self-portrait, an identity, and a self confidence. A simple device which called as front camera in our smart phones has created a cultural trend that looks to set so fast.

There are also fearsome of these selfies. Which may ruin the life of teens of this era. These selfies are more to like sending someone a sexual self-portrait (nude selfies and videos) and this is most probably like sexualised image is sent. Teenagers of this century should understand what is a non-sexual self-portrait. Teenagers should avoid these kind of ethics.

This century the social media has became more creative and interesting where you can upload and share your self-portraits with others . This ethical gives a huge to young generation where they chase for likes, shares, and comments on social media. Most of the teens just post the most attractive and perfect selfies on social media. This culture makes young teens to compare their selves with another one who is getting more likes and comment. 

Taking selfies in a good manner is one of the important part teenagers should learn. Because everyone should know that what goes online stays online. Once a person post a selfie or sent it to someone it is out of his/her control. This can make them to regret for their lifetime.

In the majority cases selfies are fun and harmless. Moreover, the smart people will make memory with this super-good self-portraits. In a nutshell, doing anything in excess isn’t good, but as long as you know to lead a balanced, then selfies are another awesome way to have fun in the digital age.  

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